Shopping while in the holidays is poor because of the warmth from the stores

Shopping while in the holidays is poor because of the warmth from the stores

If there is anything I know about the holiday season, it is that going out shopping is the worst thing to do. The traffic is consistently terrible, plus finding a parking spot seems next to impossible, and not only is that terrible, going into the stores is consistently the worst, then i do not care

Dad tries to pray her biweekly bills away

Dad tries to pray her biweekly bills away

Sometimes I really wish that my family would move. I know that they are settled in the area where they reside but I feel like they have a lot of drawback influences all around them. For instance, my Dad is a bit too active in her local church group, and don’t get me wrong, there

Too dry with A/C on all the time

Too dry with A/C on all the time

I’m fairly sure that I live my life chronically dehydrated. Between all the Starbucks Coffee & Tim Hortons Coffee that I drink, along with the adult beverages I consume, coupled with my general inability to remember to drink water throughout the day, it seems evident that I’m not keeping enough moisture in my body. I



I live in a large metropolitan city. It is a huge city filled with millions of people. As you can probably imagine, the city is very busy because of the large population. This means that traffic is constantly heavy. Many people opt for public transportation to avoid street traffic. However, this causes public transportation to

The struggles & joys of being an Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman

The struggles & joys of being an Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman

There are many struggles & joys when it comes to being an Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman. I will first go over the struggles. If you are wishing to go into the Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman occupation, take these struggles into consideration, but first, being an Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman is demanding both

Having an Heating & A/C system however not using it

Having an Heating & A/C system however not using it

The one thing I hate about the fall is that it gets cool too soon. If the weather got cooler later in the year that would be great with me. My mom enjoys to try to use the heat at least as possible. So this means that when it gets freezing early he does not

Avoiding the clash of cooking stinks with a great ventilation system

Avoiding the clash of cooking stinks with a great ventilation system

It is that time of the year again! Can you really believe it? It is my wife’s number one time of the year! It is Super Bowl season once again… Our whole family loves this time because my pal and I can all get together. I cook a lot of yummy foods plus snack, however

Grocery Store

Grocery Store

I care about grocery shopping. It is one of my preferred parts of the week. My neighborhood has a good little store that offers the freshest fruits and vegetables. They also have the largest variety of grocery items. To top it all off, they have a good prepared foods section where you can buy everything

Working at a heating manufacturing plant

Working at a heating manufacturing plant

Working for myself the past few years has been nice because there is no more boss sauntering around the office looking for someone to yell at, haha. I feel the largest plus for toiling for yourself, especially if you work from loft like me, is not having to drive in that heavy morning traffic each

We needed an Heating plus A/C specialist in Roselle, IL

We needed an Heating plus A/C specialist in Roselle, IL

Several weeks ago, my hubby plus I decided that my associate and I wanted to completely redo the Heating plus A/C system in an old dwelling that my associate and I had purchased, but my friend and I had been residing there for about a month before my associate and I decided that the whole

Storage garage needs dehumidifier to stop rust

Storage garage needs dehumidifier to stop rust

When my partner plus I were household hunting a few years ago my friend and I both had a few requirements for the current locale that my friend and I held steadfast on. My pal and I knew my friend and I wanted a sizable yard, plenty of spare home offices, plus an abundance of

Bad landlord

Bad landlord

Most of the time, when our parents provide us advice, it goes in one ear and out the other. My pal and I never really listen to them and we typically do not realize that our parents know best until we’ve learned for ourselves the difficult way. I’ve been in this boat numerous times. The

Sleeping in cool uneven temperatures for the fall

Sleeping in cool uneven temperatures for the fall

There is one thing that I appreciate about the fall season. The one thing that I appreciate is that it is cool outside. I appreciate that it is cool outside because I get to wear my warmer clothes. I also appreciate that it is cool at night. My buddy and I have just turned on

Man cave needs own Heating & A/C

Man cave needs own Heating & A/C

I love my bestie so much, & I consistently want him to be cheerful. I also supply him a undoubtedly hard time by being an emotional & strenuous woman, & I understand his need to get away from me sometimes. I realize that he needs his own space & I don’t want to deprive him

Buying custom furniture for a living

Buying custom furniture for a living

One of my neighbors plus his husband just had a baby. She is a teacher plus he is a woodworker, my pal and I spend a lot of time hanging out with them on the weekends plus have gotten to know a lot about custom furniture. Mark has constantly enjoyed building custom furniture… A lot

Got backup generator to keep air filtration alive

Got backup generator to keep air filtration alive

Recently I went out plus purchased a high-quality backup generator to make sure that her indoor air quality control unit constantly had a source of energy When you live out in the country it can seem dangerous at times. When I am at cabin alone I realize that I don’t have any nearby neighbors in

Choosing a cooling system for new addition

Choosing a cooling system for new addition

My husband and I recently invested into a sizable addition for our home. With three small children and a dog, our living space had become cramped. We wanted each of the kids to have their own bedroom. I was interested in another bathroom and more closet space. My husband wanted a home office included. Once

Bad landlord

Bad landlord

Most of the time, when our parents give us advice, it goes in one ear and out the other. We never truly listen to them and we typically don’t realize that our parents know best until we’ve learned for ourselves the hard way. I’ve been in this boat many times. The most recent experience had

Building an Heating plus Air Conditioning machine from a shrubbery mower

Building an Heating plus Air Conditioning machine from a shrubbery mower

Building an Heating plus Air Conditioning machine from a shrubbery mower is one of the most interesting things I have ever done, then you may wonder why I decided to build an Heating plus Air Conditioning machine from a shrubbery mower in the first site. The answer is a long story. It happened when I

Aliens have advanced HVAC systems my friend and I don’t have on earth.

Aliens have advanced HVAC systems my friend and I don’t have on earth.

I was recently abducted by aliens in the middle of the night, i was sleeping soundly in addition to I didn’t hear the UFO floating outside my window because I had my window air conditioning system running on high, when I woke up, I was in a cool legitimately white room with little alien creatures

Cheap Repair

Cheap Repair

My mother is all about savings. She prides herself in her ability to clip coupons and save hundreds on groceries every month. She brags about the deals she gets on clothing and shoes. She’s even found ways to save on household repairs. I respect her thrifty ways because they save her hundreds, but I believe

Grocery Store

Grocery Store

I prefer grocery shopping! It is one of my number one parts of the week. My neighborhood has a great little store that offers the freshest fruits and vegetables. They also have the largest variety of grocery items. To top it all off, they have a great prepared foods section where you can buy everything

Heating plus A/C plans plus fun times

Heating plus A/C plans plus fun times

Today is a nice morning with temps hitting the 71F mark, which is good for the start of January. We will absolutely still get some frosty afternoons, however for now it looks like the weekend is going to be a hot one with lots of tourists on the streets. Along with the hot weather my

Zone control and why you want it

Zone control and why you want it

My hubby plus I are a fantastic fit for one another. Actually, our compatibility is so complete that it’s quite uncanny; I still can’t feel that this perfect puzzle piece exists or that I ever happened to meet him. My associate and I see eye to eye on everything that would be pressing for a

Man cave needs own HVAC

Man cave needs own HVAC

I love my boyfriend so much, and I always want him to be happy. I also give him a really hard time by being an emotional and difficult woman, and I understand his need to get away from me sometimes. I realize that he needs his own space and I don’t want to deprive him

Working at a heating manufacturing plant

Working at a heating manufacturing plant

Working for myself the past few years has been nice because there is no more boss roaming around the office looking for someone to yell at, haha. I think the biggest plus for working for yourself, especially if you work from home like me, is not having to drive in that heavy morning traffic each

Staying warm with a furnace

Staying warm with a furnace

Maintenance: Regular maintenance, such as changing the air filter and having the furnace inspected by a professional, will help keep it running efficiently and safely We hope you are keeping warm this winter as the weather has been very cold for a lot of months now. There are a lot of ways to stay warm

Storage garage needs dehumidifier to stop rust

Storage garage needs dehumidifier to stop rust

When my spouse & I were home hunting a few years ago my buddy and I both had a few requirements for the current locale that my buddy and I held steadfast on. My friend and I knew my buddy and I wanted a crucial yard, plenty of spare living rooms, & an abundance of

Zone controlled for partner plus I

Zone controlled for partner plus I

My partner plus I are a good fit for one another. Actually, our compatibility is so complete that it’s quite uncanny; I still can’t think that this perfect puzzle piece exists or that I ever happened to meet him. My buddy and I see eye to eye on everything that would be pressing for a

Air purifiers are a great way to stay healthy.

Air purifiers are a great way to stay healthy.

Other than the past few years air purifiers have become more and more popular. Through science and research, people are learning how dirty the air in their home really is and how much it affects their long term health. An air purifier is different from an air filter in that it not only filters things

HEPA Filters manufacturing process

HEPA Filters manufacturing process

Being an engineer for several years, I’ve always liked to see how things are made. I’ve been this way ever since I was a kid, plus my Grandpa used to tell me I could break a cast iron ball, as I used to take things apart plus not know how to put them back together

Dog prefers heat to AC

Dog prefers heat to AC

Sometimes I wonder if humans and animals are really that compatible. We assume that cats and dogs enjoy being indoor pets, but we have no proof of that. We don’t know if feeding them dry bag food is actually a good idea. We really can’t fathom what they are thinking or feeling at any point

Wearable portable air conditioning

Wearable portable air conditioning

One of the best trends this year has to be the portable air conditioning that is wearable as a necklace. I first saw this unit at an outdoor event. The man wearing it was in his 40s in addition to looked like he knew how to have a great time. I remember it being really

Wife’s buddy is a terrible influence, calls professional nonstop

Wife’s buddy is a terrible influence, calls professional nonstop

I grew up in a apartment with an abusive Mom. I feel that I got pretty fortunate because I only had to deal with him for 10 years of my life before he was out of the picture. My mom, on the other hand, was married to him for about 25 years. Throughout that time

Never knowing I had a gas boiler

Never knowing I had a gas boiler

I have been residing in my modern property for months now; I have been residing here so long I guess the property isn’teven modern now; The one thing I did not even know about my property was that it has a gas boiler. I did not realize this until my friend’s father started asking me

Visiting the wifey for the excellent quality of air

Visiting the wifey for the excellent quality of air

I tend to visit my wifey often. I will stay at his house while he goes to work & his mother does not mind. I usually stay in his room & play video games the entire time he is gone. His mom comes to check up on me because she thinks I am lonely or

A new roof is expensive!

A new roof is expensive!

The insurance on my rental house keeps getting taken away due to the age of my roof, and it is obviously a current thing in my state that your roof must be replaced every 10 years. I had a bunch of weird roofing companies at my rental giving me a quote. I was satisfied that

Never knowing I had a gas boiler

Never knowing I had a gas boiler

I have been living in my modern dwelling for months now; I have been living here so long I think the dwelling is not even modern now, and the one thing I did not even know about my dwelling was that it has a gas boiler. I did not realize this until my friend’s father

We appreciate our new fireplace

We appreciate our new fireplace

We have a nice home here in neighborhood in addition to a lot of the appliances in it are pretty much brand new. My pal and I have the latest washing machine, which is absolutely a combination washer in addition to dryer, so you don’t have to take the clothes from the washer in addition

You never know what you have until it’s gone; AC unit breaks

You never know what you have until it’s gone; AC unit breaks

Well, the other day my AC system apparently got tired of all of my trash talking For the past five years I have been complaining heartily about my living situation. I never expected that I would get to this distant location and immediately regret all of my decisions. However, it seems as though I made