Helping customers the best we can with a maintenance plan

Helping customers the best we can with a maintenance plan

I had been an HVAC technician for several years. Not many people understand the world of HVAC business. They think it is just a simple process of installing HVAC equipment and coming to repair it sometimes when it is needed. This is not the case at all. Most people do not see that HVAC technicians

Grocery Store

Grocery Store

I care about grocery shopping. It is one of my preferred parts of the week. My neighborhood has a good little store that offers the freshest fruits and vegetables. They also have the largest variety of grocery items. To top it all off, they have a good prepared foods section where you can buy everything

HVAC plans and fun times

HVAC plans and fun times

Today is a nice day with temps hitting the 70F mark, which is great for the beginning of February. We will probably still get some cold days, but for now it looks like the weekend is going to be a warm one with lots of tourists on the streets. Along with the warm weather we

Wearable portable cooling system

Wearable portable cooling system

One of the best trends this year has to be the portable cooling system that is wearable as a necklace. I first saw this component at an outdoor event. The person wearing it was in his 40s in addition to looked like he knew how to have a good time. I remember it being honestly

Mom tries to pray his quarterly bills away

Mom tries to pray his quarterly bills away

Periodically I honestly wish that my family would move. I know that they are settled in the section where they reside however I feel like they have a lot of downside influences all around them. For instance, my mom is a bit too active in his local church group, but don’t get me wrong, there

Son says he can’t read without AC

Son says he can’t read without AC

The thought of having this dirty air circulating in the presence of our children is more than I could handle, and as such, I don’t mind that my kids are at house enjoying our own central heating, cooling, plus air quality control system I unquestionably try to be a kind parent; I don’t want to

Sleeping in cool temperatures for the fall

Sleeping in cool temperatures for the fall

There is one thing that I love about the fall season. The one thing that I love is that it is cool outside. I love that it is cool outside because I get to wear my warmer clothes. I also love that it is cool at evening. My good friend and I have just turned

We care about our new fireplace

We care about our new fireplace

We have a nice loft here in town plus a lot of the appliances in it are pretty much brand new. We have the latest washing machine, which is legitimately a combination washer plus dryer, so you don’t have to take the clothes from the washer plus move them to the dryer. This device does

You never know what you have until it’s gone; AC unit breaks

You never know what you have until it’s gone; AC unit breaks

Well, the other day my AC system apparently got tired of all of my trash talking For the past five years I have been complaining heartily about my living situation. I never expected that I would get to this distant location and immediately regret all of my decisions. However, it seems as though I made

Avoiding the clash of cooking smells with a enjoyable ventilation system

Avoiding the clash of cooking smells with a enjoyable ventilation system

It is that time of the year again! Can you very believe it? It is my husband’s number one time of the year, however it is Super Bowl season once again, then our whole family enjoys this time because we can all celebration. I cook a lot of yummy foods and snack, and my child

Reptile freaks built sizable habitat

Reptile freaks built sizable habitat

I met quite a few critter enthusiasts when I worked at a petstore in middle school. I have to say that there were some interesting folks that frequented the shop, & it was consistently fun to hear about the current projects they were embarking on for the sake of their pets. I have to say

Please watch your teenagers; they cherish air ducts

Please watch your teenagers; they cherish air ducts

When I became a heating, cooling, plus ventilation worker, I never expected that I would beginning to have so numerous enemies in this world. Let me be clear, I do not personally hate anybody… however professionally I have a lot of adversaries. Not only am I seriously competitive when it comes to local heating plus

The last four kinds of media air cleaners.

The last four kinds of media air cleaners.

Recently I wrote an article about three of the seven weird kinds of media air cleaners. In this article we will look at the last four. The First of the four media air cleaners is the ion media air cleaner. This purifier emits drawback ions which attract positive ions. What’s the point of this? Well

Portable AC for my desk

Portable AC for my desk

I have been working from home or about 3 months now. As the weather warms up, my house has a harder time cooling down. It seems like the office in my house is the hardest place to keep cool. Sometimes, I like to work with the door open . The office can get stuffy in

Portable AC for my desk

Portable AC for my desk

I have been laboring from house or about 3 months now. As the weather warms up, my house has a harder time cooling down. It seems like the office in my house is the hardest location to keep cool; Periodically, I like to work with the door open . The office can get stuffy in

I heard the air conditioning repair company in St. Augustine was hiring

I heard the air conditioning repair company in St. Augustine was hiring

I started the next day I moved to St. Augustine, Florida, a few months ago. My girlfriend and I were living together in Northeast Florida and we broke up. I had to move out of our apartment and I did not want to stay in the same city. My parents were living in St. Augustine,

Portable AC for my desk

Portable AC for my desk

I cherish using the portable cooling system in other settings, as well I have been toiling from household or about 3 months now. As the weather warms up, my apartment has a harder time cooling down. It seems like the office in my apartment is the hardest location to keep cool, however sometimes, I like

The downsides of having a central air conditioner

The downsides of having a central air conditioner

There are several downsides plus complications that can come from having a central air conditioning unit, then the first obstacle you will face is the purchasing of a central air conditioner. These air conditioners are sold for thousands of dollars, several people cannot afford to get one. The next obstacle is installing the central air

Orchids required special grow room

Orchids required special grow room

My buddy and I installed a separate temperature control system, including tons of temperature monitoring devices just to cater to the plants I would consider myself to be a diligent caretaker – I cherish giving care about plus attention to things plus seeing them grow plus thrive – but, I would not consider myself to

Wish Summer wasn’t so humid

Wish Summer wasn’t so humid

Summer is my number one time of year, hands down. I prefer being able to throw on a dress plus run out the door, I prefer basking in the sun, plus nothing makes me happier than spending long mornings outdoors sipping on a refreshing drink from a patio seat. Everything about the season feels laid

In-laws built wine cooler

In-laws built wine cooler

I love my in-laws, & it’s such a relief that my buddy and I get along well. I undoubtedly wasn’t sure what my buddy and I were going to think of each other because they come from a much wealthier locale than I do, & I was afraid they would look down on my upbringing,

Dog prefers heat to AC

Dog prefers heat to AC

Sporadically I wonder if humans & critters are genuinely that compatible. My great friend and I believe that cats & cats cherish being indoor pets, however my friend and I have no proof of that. My great friend and I don’t know if feeding them dry bag food is genuinely a great idea. My great

Don’t chop corners with heating as well as cooling

Don’t chop corners with heating as well as cooling

Saving currency as well as chopping spending is like a thing with me. Wait, it’s more than a thing. It’s closer to a constant habit as well as just a step away from an obsession. That’s undoubtedly a more apt description. My wife as well as I are lucky enough to live in a nice

Too dry with A/C on all the time

Too dry with A/C on all the time

I’m fairly sure that I live my life chronically dehydrated. Between all the Starbucks Coffee & Tim Hortons Coffee that I drink, along with the adult beverages I consume, coupled with my general inability to remember to drink water throughout the day, it seems evident that I’m not keeping enough moisture in my body. I

Heated blanket

Heated blanket

College dorming isn’tsimple. There are numerous perks, of course, like living with your friends, cheap housing, plus convenient dining options. It was a load of fun times too! However, there are numerous challenges as well. Learning to live independent of your parents is actually difficult. It is also difficult to live with a total stranger.

I'm hoping to prevent the rust

I'm hoping to prevent the rust

When my hubby plus I were household hunting a few years ago my pal and I both had a few requirements for the new arena that my pal and I held steadfast on. My associate and I knew my pal and I wanted a giant yard, plenty of spare bedrooms, plus an abundance of space

We prefer our new fireplace

We prefer our new fireplace

We have a nice apartment here in city and a lot of the appliances in it are pretty much brand new. My associate and I have the latest washing machine, which is undoubtedly a combination washer and dryer, so you don’t have to take the clothes from the washer and move them to the dryer.

I never forget an HVAC system

I never forget an HVAC system

I know I am the type of man who can be rather forgetful. I feel like my brain isn’tconstantly recording the events that are taking locale right in front of me. Sometimes I am so distracted with other things that are going on in my life that it seems like nothing is entirely being etched

Heads up from Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C professional loved

Heads up from Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C professional loved

You know, I’m just so thankful for some of the relationships in my life. I’m not talking about my family or friends so much, but of course, I’m super appreciative of those as well; No, I’m talking about the relationships that maybe I undoubtedly hadn’t paid enough attention to in the past. A enjoyable example

Yearly Maintenance

Yearly Maintenance

Needless to say, my dad is on the same page as me now I always believe that it is better to be prepared than to be sorry. I liked to be preventative and avoid any complications. I am like this with all things in my life. I’m especially this way when it comes to my

I never forget an Heating and Air Conditioning system

I never forget an Heating and Air Conditioning system

I know I am the type of woman who can be rather forgetful. I feel like my brain isn’ttypically recording the events that are taking venue right in front of me… Periodically I am so distracted with other things that are going on in my life that it seems like nothing is honestly being etched

Pulling over an Heating plus Air Conditioning van who was speeding

Pulling over an Heating plus Air Conditioning van who was speeding

As a state trooper, I am always experiencing a lot of different situations. I’ve helped a lot of people, caught awful men harming our community plus I have written a lot of tickets. Speaking of tickets last Sunday I pulled over five people from going fifteen to twenty miles over the speed limit. The first

I really don't want these problems

I really don't want these problems

The insurance on my rental house keeps getting taken away due to the age of my roof. It is evidently a modern thing in my state that your roof must be updated every 10 years. I had a bunch of weird roofing companies at my rental giving me a quote. I was satisfied that all

Heating devices plus sleeping well again

Heating devices plus sleeping well again

Today is Monday plus I will write a few more articles plus be done for the morning. It looks like a bunch of people are heading to the beach soon so I am planning on getting out there early so I can get a good spot. We have been running the heat in the loft

The best indoor air quality

The best indoor air quality

Keeping disinfect air in the property is a lot easier now with today’s technology. It used to be that you would have to suffer from pollen irritations and all kinds of ailments when the air wasn’t good in a home, however but now things are a lot weird and my associate and I have the

Wife’s friend is a bad influence, calls technician nonstop

Wife’s friend is a bad influence, calls technician nonstop

I grew up in a household with an abusive dad. I guess that I got pretty lucky because I only had to deal with him for 10 years of my life before he was out of the picture. My mom, on the other hand, was married to him for about 25 years. Throughout that time

Man cave needs own Heating & A/C

Man cave needs own Heating & A/C

I love my bestie so much, & I consistently want him to be cheerful. I also supply him a undoubtedly hard time by being an emotional & strenuous woman, & I understand his need to get away from me sometimes. I realize that he needs his own space & I don’t want to deprive him

Don’t leave HVAC repairs to anyone but HVAC professionals

Don’t leave HVAC repairs to anyone but HVAC professionals

It seems like the more I get done on my own, the more money I keep in my pocket. Of course, that’s not exactly rocket science. But I do my best to keep things working on our property. My friend and I have a fairly big piece of house with several barns and out buildings

I never forget an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system

I never forget an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system

I know I’m the type of person who can be rather forgetful. I feel like my brain isn’talways recording the events that are taking venue right in front of me. Sometimes I am so distracted with other things that are going on in my life that it seems like nothing is very being etched into

What your heating system’s air handler does

What your heating system’s air handler does

Another workweek in the bag and it looks like this weekend is going to be a nice one. Today we will go for a train ride to another town with the kids and look around, we may even ride some of the rides at the amusement park too. The kids are getting big enough where