Mom tries to pray his quarterly bills away

Mom tries to pray his quarterly bills away

Periodically I honestly wish that my family would move. I know that they are settled in the section where they reside however I feel like they have a lot of downside influences all around them. For instance, my mom is a bit too active in his local church group, but don’t get me wrong, there

Goodbye outdated temperature control system

Goodbye outdated temperature control system

We are nearing the end of winter time in a few weeks or so plus things are already starting to heat up here. Last evening as my wifey plus I went for a sunset walk my good friend and I noticed a lot more people walking around town. When the weather gets warmer people come

How I fixed my furnace that was turning on and off

How I fixed my furnace that was turning on and off

I am generally a smart and handy person when it comes to little fixtures around my home. I rarely call in any servicemen for assistance, especially if I can get a manual and follow the troubleshooting and fixing procedures. However, in some complex cases where professional assistance or know-how is required, I leave the tasks

Space heating system in my camper

Space heating system in my camper

I am so gleeful to embark on my journey across the country in my modern camper. This is the kind of camper that you pull behind a truck in addition to it is not equipped with heating in addition to cooling. I recently found a space heating system on sale at a outdoors shop in

Heating devices and sleeping well again

Heating devices and sleeping well again

Today is Saturday and I will write a few more articles and be done for the day. It looks like a bunch of people are heading to the beach soon so I am planning on getting out there early so I can get a good spot. We have been running the heat in the home

Dog prefers heat to AC

Dog prefers heat to AC

Periodically I wonder if humans and critters are honestly that compatible. My superb friend and I know that cats and dogs appreciate being indoor pets, however my associate and I have no proof of that. My superb friend and I don’t know if feeding them dry bag food is absolutely a superb idea. My superb

New quiet space thanks to Heating as well as Air Conditioning

New quiet space thanks to Heating as well as Air Conditioning

This has has such an awesome impact on my relationships plus my wellness that I decided to create a spot for my quarterly meditation I learned a lot over the last few years… For one, my friend and I are a lot more fragile than I realized, and that goes for our whole way of

Don’t cut corners with heating plus cooling

Don’t cut corners with heating plus cooling

Saving money plus splitting spending is like a thing with me. Wait, it’s more than a thing. It’s closer to a constant habit plus just a step away from an obsession. That’s genuinely a more apt description. My wife plus I are lucky enough to live in a nice house with good quality heating plus

Heads up from HVAC professional enjoyed

Heads up from HVAC professional enjoyed

You know, I’m just so thankful for some of the relationships in my life. I’m not talking about my family or friends so much. Of course, I’m super appreciative of those as well. No, I’m talking about the relationships that maybe I undoubtedly hadn’t paid enough attention to in the past. A great example is

Jury duty- don’t forget a jacket

Jury duty- don’t forget a jacket

When I inspected the mail last week, I found that I had been summoned to jury duty; I have never received such mail, so I was shocked and confused, when I looked at the date of the jury duty, I was even more confused… How did I get jury duty on my own birthday!? I

I was excited to find a arena who works on heat pumps plus boilers

I was excited to find a arena who works on heat pumps plus boilers

Last year when my friend and I were working on redoing our house, I was actually excited to find a local arena where they focus on handling heat pumps plus boilers exclusively; Back then, my friend and I were in the middle of a whole bunch of renovations, plus it was super stressful all the

The challenge of winter

The challenge of winter

I’m not sure if you’ve ever lived in a formidable climate like I have, but let me tell you how strenuous it can make life. Every season feels like a personal attack on your well-being, plus there’s nothing you can do except to strap in plus take on the new challenges head on while waiting

Smart thermostat is helpful while sick

Smart thermostat is helpful while sick

I don’t normally get sick, but when I do, I fall extremely ill and I’m out of commission for weeks on end. This has been the case for the past three weeks or so, while I’ve been battling a strange sinus infection/flu mutant and suffering silently in isolation. It started, as usual, after a long

Drank too much Starbucks Coffee & got the sweats

Drank too much Starbucks Coffee & got the sweats

I’m not sure if most people has this problem, or if I simply have an addictive personality, although I can’t handle the introduction of caffeine in my life. Since my teenager years I have had a exhausting caffeine habit that I respectfully reset & restart, time & time again. It starts with an innocent cup

The last four kinds of whole-house air purifiers.

The last four kinds of whole-house air purifiers.

Recently I wrote an article about three of the seven odd kinds of whole-house air purifiers. In this article my buddy and I will look at the last four. The First of the four whole-house air purifiers is the ion whole-house air purifier. This purifier emits negative ions which attract positive ions. What’s the point