How I fixed my furnace that wouldn't turn off

How I fixed my furnace that wouldn't turn off

I am generally a smart as well as handy guy when it comes to little fixtures around my home, then i rarely call in any servicemen for assistance, especially if I can get a manual as well as follow the problemshooting as well as fixing procedures, however, in some complex cases where professional assistance or know-how is required, I leave the tasks to the experts, however so this one time, I observed that my furnace was abruptly behaving strangely.

It kept going on as well as off, however while I knew that the control unit setting allowed it to have an on-off cycle, it was not supposed to happen as it did, then the heating cycle was to take a few hours until optimum hot as well as cold temperatures were attained before it turned off for a while, however but this was not what my furnace was doing.

It was going on as well as off within seconds, as well as no amount of resetting seemed to resolve this issue. I knew that this short cycling was an indication that something extreme was off. I talked to my Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman, as well as he suspected an issue with airflow. Since not enough air was getting out of the furnace, it was overheating as well as switched off before the optimum hot as well as cold temperatures were attained. With the guidance of the Heating and Air Conditioning professional, I changed the filters to allow better airflow. I went for better quality flyers as recommended by the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier experts at my local storeā€¦ Fortunately, this seemed to work. It turns out that the filter that was in my furnace before would feel up too hastily, causing restricted airflow. In case this had failed, then I would have hired an Heating and Air Conditioning corporation to service the issue.