Selling custom furniture for a living

Selling custom furniture for a living

One of my neighbors and her partner just had a baby, she is a teacher and she is a woodworker, but my pal and I spend a lot of time hanging out with them on the weekends and have gotten to know a lot about custom furniture. Mark has regularly enjoyed building custom furniture, but

Heating devices in addition to sleeping well again

Heating devices in addition to sleeping well again

This week is Thursday in addition to I will write a few more articles in addition to be done for the afternoon. It looks like a bunch of people are heading to the beach soon so I am planning on getting out there early so I can get a wonderful spot. My pal and I

The plumber removed the blockage with tools

The plumber removed the blockage with tools

Plumbers have to use a variety of tools in order to remove blockages and get rid of clogs. Some tools are made for specific purposes. A plunger is one of the most basic and effective tools when getting rid of clogs in sinks, toilets, and shower drains. A hand auger or plumber snake is another

Dog prefers heat to AC

Dog prefers heat to AC

Periodically I wonder if humans plus critters are legitimately that compatible. My pal and I guess that cats plus dogs adore being indoor pets, however my buddy and I have no proof of that. My pal and I do not know if feeding them dry bag food is really a relaxing idea. My pal and

In-laws built wine cooler

In-laws built wine cooler

I care about my in-laws, plus it’s such a relief that my buddy and I get along well. I really wasn’t sure what my buddy and I were going to suppose of each other because they come from a much wealthier place than I do, plus I was afraid they would look down on my

Christmas food delivering to awful towns going into homes with no heat

Christmas food delivering to awful towns going into homes with no heat

Every Christmas my family & I like to give back while in the holiday season. My pal and I are blessed & fortunate to have a roof over our heads, & have a nice overheated meal every day. However about twenty minutes away from where we live there is a community in our city that

Using appliances for an automation system

Using appliances for an automation system

When I first looked into an automation system for my home, they were mainly intended for commercial application! The systems were particularly fancy and not catered toward the needs of homeowners, but several years later, when I once again researched automation systems, I was amazed by the progress. This week’s systems are not only quite

Putting off getting married for an Heating and A/C system repair

Putting off getting married for an Heating and A/C system repair

There has been a lot of talk about me getting married soon. My whole family has been discussing it, then i have even been discussing it with my bestie. It is quite discouraging and even stressful to think about at this point though. I entirely feel this way after an incident just the other day,

My sister is moving, so is my Heating and Air Conditioning tech

My sister is moving, so is my Heating and Air Conditioning tech

I am easily devastated to report that my sister is moving across the world; For numerous months now she has been talking to some girl in a distant part of the planet and apparently they have decided to transfer in together. She is packing up and leaving in the next couple of weeks to begin

Son says he can’t learn separate from AC

Son says he can’t learn separate from AC

I certainly try to be a kind parent! I do not want to be the sort of man who rules my children’s lives with an iron fist. I know that I didn’t care about growing up in a home where there was no reasoning with my parents beyond telling me, “because I told you so.”

Wish Summer wasn’t so humid

Wish Summer wasn’t so humid

Summer is my favorite time of year, hands down. I love being able to throw on a dress & run out the door, I love basking in the sun, & nothing makes me happier than spending long afternoons outdoors sipping on a refreshing drink from a patio seat. Everything about the season feels laid back

Heads up from Heating as well as Air Conditioning professional loved

Heads up from Heating as well as Air Conditioning professional loved

That woman told me that the heat pump was on its last legs plus would need to be substituted before too much longer. You know, I’m just so thankful for some of the relationships in my life. I’m not talking about my family or friends so much! Of course, I’m super appreciative of those as

Smart control unit is helpful while sick

Smart control unit is helpful while sick

I don’t normally get sick, but when I do, I fall seriously ill & I’m out of commission for weeks on end… This has been the case for the past three weeks or so, while I’ve been battling a odd sinus infection/flu mutant & suffering silently in isolation, then it started, as usual, after a

Portable AC for my desk

Portable AC for my desk

I have been laboring from house or about 3 months now. As the weather warms up, my house has a harder time cooling down. It seems like the office in my house is the hardest location to keep cool; Periodically, I like to work with the door open . The office can get stuffy in

Pulling over an HVAC van who was speeding

Pulling over an HVAC van who was speeding

As a state trooper, I am always experiencing a lot of strange situations. I’ve helped a lot of people, caught exhausting guys harming our community & I have written a lot of tickets. Speaking of tickets last Tuesday I pulled over five people from going fifteen to twenty miles over the speed limit. The first

Having an Heating plus Air Conditioning system however not using it

Having an Heating plus Air Conditioning system however not using it

My buddy and I have an Heating plus Air Conditioning system to be able to control the temperature of the air The one thing I do not like about the fall is that it gets cool too soon. If the weather got cooler later in the year that would be good with me. My mom

The joys of being an HVAC technician

The joys of being an HVAC technician

It is just as I dreamed as a boy Being an HVAC technician can bring much joy into a person’s life. I first got my desire to be an HVAC technician after seeing my dad work as a cooling expert. He took me to work and showed me his HVAC shop where he worked on

Cheap Repair

Cheap Repair

My mother is all about savings. She prides herself in her ability to clip coupons and save hundreds on groceries every month. She brags about the deals she gets on clothing and shoes. She’s even found ways to save on household repairs. I respect her thrifty ways because they save her hundreds, even though I

Wearable portable air conditioner

Wearable portable air conditioner

This is a wonderful thing to bring camping, or to an outdoor event. One of the best trends this year has to be the portable air conditioner that is wearable as a necklace. I first saw this equipment at an outdoor event. The man wearing it was in her 40s and looked like she knew

Mom tries to pray her energy bills away

Mom tries to pray her energy bills away

Sometimes I really wish that my family would move. I know that they are settled in the area where they reside but I feel like they have a lot of negative influences all around them. For instance, my mom is a bit too active in her local church group. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing

The boss needs to make some changes

The boss needs to make some changes

Have you ever considered changing jobs because the workplace is uncomfortable? I never thought I would be thinking of doing just that but I simply can’t put up with my workspace any longer. When I took the job nearly fifteen years ago I assumed that I would stay there through retirement. I work for the

Don’t leave HVAC repairs to anyone but HVAC professionals

Don’t leave HVAC repairs to anyone but HVAC professionals

It seems like the more I get done on my own, the more money I keep in my pocket. Of course, that’s not exactly rocket science. But I do my best to keep things working on our property. My friend and I have a fairly big piece of house with several barns and out buildings

Wearable portable air conditioning

Wearable portable air conditioning

One of the best trends this year has to be the portable air conditioning that is wearable as a necklace. I first saw this unit at an outdoor event. The man wearing it was in his 40s in addition to looked like he knew how to have a great time. I remember it being really

Drank too much Sprite plus got the sweats

Drank too much Sprite plus got the sweats

I tried to go back to toil plus ignore the sweat beads that were forming on my forehead, however it felt like I was suffocating in the hot air plus I particularly was starting to feel sick. I’m not sure if everyone has this problem, or if I simply have an addictive personality, but I

Air purifiers are a good way to stay healthy.

Air purifiers are a good way to stay healthy.

Other than the past few years whole-house air purifiers have become more plus more popular. Through math plus research, people are learning how dirty the air in their home truly is plus how much it affects their long term health! An whole-house air purifier is odd from an air filter in that it not only

Grocery Store

Grocery Store

I love grocery shopping. It is one of my favorite parts of the week. My city has a great little store that offers the freshest fruits and vegetables. They also have the largest variety of grocery items. To top it all off, they have a great prepared foods section where you can buy everything from

The joys of being an Heating plus Air Conditioning professional

The joys of being an Heating plus Air Conditioning professional

Being an Heating plus Air Conditioning professional can bring much pleasure into a person’s life. I first got my desire to be an Heating plus Air Conditioning professional after seeing my dad work as a cooling expert. He took me to work plus showed me his Heating plus Air Conditioning shop where he tested cooling

Staying hot with central heater

Staying hot with central heater

Staying hot in the wintertime is important for comfort and health. Here are some tips for keeping your apartment warm: Insulate your home: Insulation helps to keep the heat inside your home. Make sure your apartment is always insulated, especially in areas like the roof, walls, and windows, but seal windows and doors: Check for

Too dry with A/C on all the time

Too dry with A/C on all the time

I’m fairly sure that I live my life chronically dehydrated. Between all the Sprite plus Pepsi that I drink, along with the adult beverages I consume, coupled with my general inability to remember to drink water throughout the day, it seems apparent that I’m not keeping enough moisture in my body. I often feel sluggish

Working at a heating manufacturing plant

Working at a heating manufacturing plant

Working for myself the past few years has been nice because there is no more boss strolling around the office looking for someone to yell at, haha. I feel the largest plus for working for yourself, especially if you work from apartment like me, is not having to drive in that heavy afternoon traffic each

Bad proprietor

Bad proprietor

Most of the time, when our parents supply us advice, it goes in one ear plus out the other. We never entirely listen to them plus we properly don’t realize that our parents know best until we have learned for ourselves the difficult way. I have been in this boat numerous times. The most recent

Can’t even leave the house, it’s 100+ degrees

Can’t even leave the house, it’s 100+ degrees

These are the afternoons when I entirely begin to question my own sanity. When I am laying inside staring at the same four walls afternoon after afternoon I entirely start to lose it. I am not the type of man who enjoys laying around plus doing nothing, that’s for sure. On any normal afternoon I

Can’t mention son’s sweaty room, install media whole-house air purifier

Can’t mention son’s sweaty room, install media whole-house air purifier

You honestly have to be careful with your kids. I feel that everybody is aware of how hormonal and difficult they can be to interact with from the ages of 10 to 20. Unluckyly, all of those hormonal swings amount to a lot of indoor environment swings as well. As soon as my son hit

Please watch your teenagers; they cherish air ducts

Please watch your teenagers; they cherish air ducts

When I became a heating, cooling, plus ventilation worker, I never expected that I would beginning to have so numerous enemies in this world. Let me be clear, I do not personally hate anybody… however professionally I have a lot of adversaries. Not only am I seriously competitive when it comes to local heating plus

Man cave needs own Heating, Ventilation plus A/C

Man cave needs own Heating, Ventilation plus A/C

I cherish my husbandy so much, plus I always want him to be cheerful. I also supply him a really taxing time by being an emotional plus taxing guy, plus I understand his need to get away from me periodically. I realize that he needs his own space plus I don’t want to deprive him

Orchids required special grow room

Orchids required special grow room

I would consider myself to be a diligent caretaker – I appreciate giving love & attention to things & watching them grow & thrive – but, I would not consider myself to be a natural botanist. As much as I love to care for plants & critters of all shapes & sizes, the critters seem

The challenge of winter

The challenge of winter

I’m not sure if you’ve ever lived in a formidable climate like I have, however let me tell you how difficult it can make life. Every season feels like a personal attack on your well-being, plus there’s nothing you can do except to strap in plus take on the up-to-date challenges head on while waiting

Being at work & always sneezing due to dirty air filter

Being at work & always sneezing due to dirty air filter

There are some nights where I am so lazy I do not want to get out of bed & go to work! Just yesterday that was the case for me. But now that I’m older I am diagnosing myself that I am just not a day lady. To wake myself up & feel energized I

I won’t pay the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning tech, he tried to pray my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning into working

I won’t pay the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning tech, he tried to pray my Heating in addition to Air Conditioning into working

I have always trusted my central Heating in addition to Air Conditioning specialist to diagnose, inspect, in addition to service my current Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system Sometimes it’s incredible when you talk to people who are supposed to be proficiencyable experts in their field in addition to realize that they are missing



I’ve tried a variety of solutions to combat this discomfort, but none have solved the problem entirely. I am constantly traveling around the country and around the world. I care about taking trips and taking some time away from home. Even domestic flights are exciting for me. My preferred part of taking these trips is

Bad landlord

Bad landlord

Most of the time, when our parents give us advice, it goes in one ear and out the other. We never truly listen to them and we typically don’t realize that our parents know best until we’ve learned for ourselves the hard way. I’ve been in this boat many times. The most recent experience had

Problems with A/C caused by lack of maintenance

Problems with A/C caused by lack of maintenance

Not only was the cooling system putting out less cool air, there was also the risk of polluted indoor air quality Living in Largo, Florida, the air conditioner is a priority and a necessity. I run the cooling system nearly all year round, and it regularly handles temperatures in the high nineties or even triple