Options in the Air Conditioning World

Putting off getting married for an Heating and A/C system repair

Putting off getting married for an Heating and A/C system repair

There has been a lot of talk about me getting married soon. My whole family has been discussing it, then i have even been discussing it with my bestie. It is quite discouraging and even stressful to think about at this point though. I entirely feel this way after an incident just the other day,

Choosing a cooling system for new addition

Choosing a cooling system for new addition

My husband and I recently invested into a sizable addition for our home. With three small children and a dog, our living space had become cramped. We wanted each of the kids to have their own bedroom. I was interested in another bathroom and more closet space. My husband wanted a home office included. Once

Problems with ductwork result in AC repair

Problems with ductwork result in AC repair

I love living in St. Augustine, Florida. The area is truly beautiful. I enjoy the views of the water, the history, palm trees and abundance of sunshine. I don’t mind the long, hot and humid summers. I make sure that my air conditioner is functioning properly and keeping my home perfectly cool and comfortable. My

Leaky ducts are the cause of AC repair

Leaky ducts are the cause of AC repair

Living in Jacksonville, Florida, the air conditioner runs for most of the year. Temperatures in the triple digits and an excess of humidity make the cooling system a necessity. The equipment carries a heavy workload and accounts for the majority of the electric bill. I take very good care of my central air conditioning. I

Bathroom remodel is best handled by a professional

Bathroom remodel is best handled by a professional

I am quite handy and have successfully managed a great deal of renovation projects. I’ve replaced the windows and doors in my home, refinished hardwood floors and updated the light fixtures. I’ve torn down old plaster and lath walls and ceilings, added insulation and installed brand new drywall. I’ve updated the power outlets and reconfigured

Problems with A/C caused by lack of maintenance

Problems with A/C caused by lack of maintenance

Not only was the cooling system putting out less cool air, there was also the risk of polluted indoor air quality Living in Largo, Florida, the air conditioner is a priority and a necessity. I run the cooling system nearly all year round, and it regularly handles temperatures in the high nineties or even triple

I heard the air conditioning repair company in St. Augustine was hiring

I heard the air conditioning repair company in St. Augustine was hiring

I started the next day I moved to St. Augustine, Florida, a few months ago. My girlfriend and I were living together in Northeast Florida and we broke up. I had to move out of our apartment and I did not want to stay in the same city. My parents were living in St. Augustine,

The emergency repair company was thorough and quick

The emergency repair company was thorough and quick

I contacted an emergency air conditioning repair company in Jacksonville as soon as I noticed problems with the system. I woke up in the morning and it was much warmer inside of the house than it usually is. The air conditioner was already running and the temperature on the thermostat was 75 degrees. There was

The plumber removed the blockage with tools

The plumber removed the blockage with tools

Plumbers have to use a variety of tools in order to remove blockages and get rid of clogs. Some tools are made for specific purposes. A plunger is one of the most basic and effective tools when getting rid of clogs in sinks, toilets, and shower drains. A hand auger or plumber snake is another

An unusual Christmas gift

An unusual Christmas gift

As a child you tend to ask for the most popular toy for Christmas. In most homes the excitement of the Season builds for weeks and seeing the kids’ faces on Christmas morning is really the very best feeling. As you get older you may wish for bigger gifts and have no concept of the

The boss needs to make some changes

The boss needs to make some changes

Have you ever considered changing jobs because the workplace is uncomfortable? I never thought I would be thinking of doing just that but I simply can’t put up with my workspace any longer. When I took the job nearly fifteen years ago I assumed that I would stay there through retirement. I work for the