Sometimes I unquestionably wonder about the people who live in this city.
It seems like a lot of the folks around here get into trouble on a regular basis.
A lot of the citizens in this town have harebrained ideas about performing their own DIY services plus trying to upgrade their lives without paying a professional for their expertise. Unfortunately, this means you see a lot of cars broken down on the side of the road, houses with permanent harm to their structures, plus local residents who are missing fingers plus toes… Most recently, it also means that you are going to see an air conditioning broken into about a billion pieces outside my neighbor’s house, and several days ago my neighbor contacted me plus asked if I knew anything about indoor air handling devices. He told me that their central cooling system had abruptly broken down in the middle of the night plus they were sad about the indoor air quality. My neighbor said the partner plus kids were complaining about the heat plus humidity indoors, let alone the fluctuating sizzling plus cold patches from their central cooling system. He asked if I could provide any assistance with repairing the central Heating plus A/C system for him plus his kids. Unfortunately, I don’t know the first thing about indoor air handling control equipment. However, I did offer to let him borrow my A/C window component until they could afford an Heating plus A/C service service. He was insistent that he didn’t need any help with the small plus cooling device. About an hour later I watched in horror as my A/C window component fell straight out of his second-floor window.