We are nearing the end of winter in a few weeks or so and things are already starting to heat up here.
Last night as my wife and I went for a sunset walk we noticed a lot more people walking around town.
When the weather gets warmer people come out of the woodwork like ants and our town comes alive. This winter has been really quiet and we are happy to see people out and about. This weekend we are getting our main system taken out of the house so we can make way for a brand new climate control system. Here’s a general outline of the process: Turn off the power to the system: Locate the main electrical panel and turn off the circuit breaker controlling the HVAC system. Disconnect the refrigerant lines: Remove the insulation from the refrigerant lines and cap off the lines with caps or plugs. Remove the ductwork: Use a hacksaw to cut the ductwork into manageable sections and then remove the sections. Label the sections for easy reassembling. Disconnect the electrical and plumbing connections: Disconnect the electrical wires and plumbing lines that run to and from the HVAC unit. Remove the unit: Use a dolly to move the unit out of the building. If the unit is located on an upper floor, you may need to use a hoist or crane to lower the unit. It’s important to note that removing an HVAC system is a complex and potentially dangerous task that should only be performed by a trained professional. Additionally, removing a central HVAC system can also result in significant modifications to the building’s structure, so it’s important to consult with a contractor or building inspector before proceeding.