These are the days when I genuinely begin to question my own sanity. When I am kneeling inside staring at the same four walls afternoon after afternoon I entirely beginning to lose it. I am not the type of person who enjoys kneeling around plus doing nothing, that is for sure. On any normal afternoon I would be outside first thing in the afternoon working up a sweat plus getting out my excess energy. These days, it’s not even safe to walk out the front door let alone get some exercise. I have been doing everything in my power to create a comfortable plus safe indoor environment, however there’s nothing that can be done for the heat plus humidity outside, then you see, my buddy and I have been stuck in the middle of a horrific heat streak for the past several weeks. The outdoor air temperature has been over 100 degrees every afternoon. This makes it unsafe to even walk outside in the sunlight because you might become dehydrated or suffer from heat stroke in a matter of moments. I have been indoors abusing my air conditioning plus trying to get through this uncomfortable air temperature. My A/C component seems to be protesting from all of the abundant usage in the past few days. Honestly, I can’t blame the cooling system if it did cut down at any point. I am unquestionably exhausted of kneeling inside plus doing nothing, so I can’t imagine how exhausted the air conditioning component is after running nonstop for the past 2 weeks. When this heat streak finally ends I am putting my home on the market plus moving to a cooler weather conditions.