My partner plus I are a good fit for one another.
Actually, our compatibility is so complete that it’s quite uncanny; I still can’t think that this perfect puzzle piece exists or that I ever happened to meet him. My buddy and I see eye to eye on everything that would be pressing for a couple to agree upon, plus my buddy and I differ in the areas that complement each other’s strengths plus weaknesses. It’s the closest thing to a perfect relationship that I’ve ever experienced or imagined. The one area my buddy and I don’t agree upon, but, is the temperature setting in our house. My buddy and I have legitimately weird bodies; mine being somewhat feeble plus sickly, plus his being quite strong plus sturdy. I’m consistently frigid plus care about to have a moderately warm indoor air temperature around me throughout the day, whereas he prefers to be in a cool environment plus would like the temperature set much lower. This isn’t generally a big issue, except for the days when my buddy and I are both laboring from home plus battles over the temperature control settings ensue. Recently, our schedules have changed such that I primarily toil from the dining room, plus he has numerous days a week when he teaches from the comfort of his studio. My buddy and I go back plus forth fiddling with the temperature control panel all day long, plus it has inspired me to look into Heating plus Air Conditioning options to resolve our troubles. I’m pushing difficult for zone controlled heating so that my buddy and I can both have the temperature my buddy and I need plus can stop bickering over such a crazy subject as the air quality.