I’m fairly sure that I live my life chronically dehydrated.
Between all the Dunkin Donuts Latte plus root budweiser that I drink, along with the adult beverages I consume, coupled with my general inability to remember to drink water throughout the afternoon, it seems obvious that I’m not keeping enough moisture in my body.
I often feel sluggish plus hungry as a result, plus my skin plus lips can get dry fairly easily. That’s why Summer time is so strenuous for me plus I struggle to stay healthy during the entire season. Because it gets so hot plus humid outdoors, there is no option except to rely on lots of powerful air conditioning to keep cool indoors. My associate and I operate our central cooling system nearly every afternoon, plus the season easily lasts half the year. During this time the air conditioning is providing unmatched relief from the misery outside, but causes a whole new set of complications indoors by removing so much moisture from the air. The dehumidified indoor environment that AC creates is both a blessing plus a curse, because it feels amazing in the short term, but causes me to be even more dehydrated in the long run. The dry air sucks moisture out from my hair, skin, plus nails, plus I am consistently moisturizing. The cool air also tends to supply me headaches plus respiratory complications if I’m not getting enough relief from the natural outdoor air. Long story short, there is no winning in the battle against Summer air. It feels like a lose-lose when you’re fighting heat plus humidity with chilly plus dryness.