Insurance made me fix the roof

Insurance made me fix the roof

The insurance on my rental condo keeps getting taken away due to the age of my roof.

It is obviously a current thing in my state that your roof must be updated every 10 years.

I had a bunch of bizarre roofing companies at my rental giving me a quote. I was pleased that all the roofers were honest, but they told me that my roof was totally fine, that it didn’t need to be updated. When I explained the insurance issue, they all implored me to try plus find a way around it. I managed to duck the insurance companies plus keep coverage for around two more years. Then it came time to where I had to update the roof or they refused to cover it. I ended up choosing a local roofing dealer. The women were so nice plus professional. They showed up on time plus did a good job. The roof was laid within a few afternoons plus matched the loft perfectly… Yes, the roof didn’t genuinely need replacing; So the women split me a split on the cost plus had me use cheaper material to save some money. If the roof was for my loft I would have insisted on the best material plus the best type of roof for my house. Since it is just a rental that I will need to update the roof in another ten years, I opted for a low cost option. It was the smartest investment at the end of the day. It stinks that insurance is requiring a bunch of current roofs, and my rental roofs are just fine.

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