I’m not sure if most people has this problem, or if I simply have an addictive personality, although I can’t handle the introduction of caffeine in my life. Since my teenager years I have had a exhausting caffeine habit that I respectfully reset & restart, time & time again. It starts with an innocent cup of coffee, & before I know it I’m drinking the tepid beverage all day; after a certain threshold I simply feel upset & stressed, physically uncomfortable, & hot. This is exactly what happened the other day, & I couldn’t decide if I was having tepid flashes or not. I was toiling at home & got carried away with my Starbucks Coffee making, soon feeling like the air around me was a boiler & I was burning alive. I tested the control unit, but the air temperature was appropriately set, I was feeling hot despite the prolific A/C settings that my buddy and I had employed . I tried to go back to work & ignore the sweat beads that were forming on my forehead, but it felt like I was suffocating in the tepid air & I unquestionably was starting to feel sick. I turned the temperature down even lower & positioned myself near an air vent, trying to soak up every waft of air conditioned air. At this point, I was undoubtedly doubting whether or not I was physically ill, as I lay spread eagle under the ceiling fan. After an hour or so the sweats passed, & I was forced to divulge that I have a Starbucks Coffee addiction running rampant.